Fitting Doors

What a pain in the ass. The doors do not have the same shape as the fuselage, so they have to be “coaxed” into shape with force and heat, applied over a long period of time. I used all-thread rods to pull the doors in some places, and 1×1 dowels to push in other places, all while keeping the doors toasty hot with halogen lamps. Crude, and not very effective.

Door Hinges

The door flange was trimmed to a uniform size along the door perimeter.

The door hinges were constrained to be parallel with an aluminum angle, and were bonded to the door tabs. The tabs were drilled to match the hinges, and then the hinges were tapped. The door tabs were countersunk for the screws, and then the hinges were bonded with cabo, pulled flush with the screws, and covered with BID.

Cowling and Door Flanges

The cowling top half was cut at the proper distance from the firewall, with hot glue retainers added to keep it in place as the cut progressed. The inner surface next to the firewall was then protected with duct tape, and a wet tape was used to make a flange. After curing, the fuselage and flange were drilled for clecoes, the cowling was removed, and sanded to clean up.

The door cutouts were hot-glued back in place after covering their inside surfaces with duct tape. Layup tape was then used to create an inner door flange.